You can send us a message by clicking the above link, you can also send any articles for the church newsletter using this link.
Articles for the Church magazine should be submitted by the 20th of the previous month to ensure meeting printing deadlines, thank you.
Hiring the Church or Hall
If you would like to hire our Curch or the hall for a children's party or for other events, we do have some evening and afternoon sessions available. Donations to the church for use of the hall and arrangements for access can be made by telephone to the Church lettings Officer - Les Steed 01245 443515. For further information and current donation suggestions please visit our Hire our Church or Church Hall page.
Church officers can be contacted via the church e-mail address
Church Leadership team contact: Mrs Patricia Platt
Church Treasurer: David Hodgkinson 01376 349780
Church Secretary: Mrs Patricia Platt broomfieldmethodistchurch
Church Organist: Vacant
Property Managers: Les Steed, David Hodgkinson
Children's activities: Dianne Hodgkinson click here for e-mail
For preachers and Circuit Officer contacts details please see Chelmsford Methodist Circuit Directory
Our Ministerial team:
Rev Mark Pengelly 01245 499028
Please contact our Minister if you would like to arrange a baptism, Wedding or funeral
We use You tube videos from the Methodist hymn book 'Singing the Faith' during our services but all hymns and songs are projected onto a large screen. Video clips are used to enhance our worship as we do not have an organist. There is also an induction loop to enhance the listening experience if hearing aids are turned to 'T'..