Broomfield Methodist Church, Chelmsford

Seeking to love and serve God in the community and in the world

Upcoming Events and Worship activities for Your Diary

 All our Sunday Services are followed by Coffee and biscuits served in the Church; this is a time of fellowship and a chance to chat and get to know each other better. 

We try to celebrate our Lord's Supper once every month. At these Communion services all are welcome to take communion - you don't have to be a member.... or a Methodist!

Sunday Services and DATES FOR YOUR 2024 DIARY 

Services begin at 10.30am unless otherwise stated. Please speak to one of the Leadership Team if you need a lift to one of the monthly joint services.

Coffee and an opportunity to share with each other after each morning service 

Sunday worship Services:



June 2nd:          Mr Jim Lowe

June 9th:            Mrs Glenda Griffin

June 16th:          The overcomers group

June 23rd:          Rev Mark Pengelly - Joint service with the three                                                                                      Chelmsford Methodist Churches

June 30th:              Mrs Elizabeth Hobbs


July 7th :                Rev Mark Pengelly - Holy communion will be celebrated                                                                            during this service

July 14th:              Songs of praise - favourite hymns and songs

July 21st:              Mrs Sheridan Hart

We will be running a messy church today tent at the Broomfield Village Fair from 12-4pm - Broomfield Village Hall

July 28th:             United service at Trinity Methodist Church led by

                                                            Rev Mark Pengelly                                                                                                                 


August 4th:           Rev Mark Pengelly - Holy communion will be celebrated                                                                            during this service

August 11th:        Mr Mike Fogg

August 18th:        Mrs Sue Johnson

August 25th:       United service at Moulsham Lodge Methodist Church led by                                                                Rev Mark Pengelly 

Date for your diary - September 1st: We welcome Rev Asiif Karam to our Circuit at a special welcome saervice to be held at Trinity Methodist Church at 6pm                                                                                 

Other denominations of the Christian church hire our premises for weekend worship and you will be welcome to join them if the timing and location of our church services is not convenient or you would like a different style of worship.

Harlow Pentecostal Church (Chelmsford branch) - Sundays 2 pm (church)

London Pentecostal Church (Chelmsford branch) - Sundays at 4.45pm (church hall) ( Sunday school at 4pm)