What do Methodists believe?
Many people go to church because they are seeking answers to their questions about faith, spirituality and other questions. Attending a church service can be a daunting experience if you have never or haven't for a long time been to a church.
What will the reaction to my questions be? Can I be sure the answers I get are shared by the majority of Christian people? If I ask basic questions I might feel inadequate and so keep my questions and doubts to myself?
You are not alone! Our message is simple:
That God loves us and wants the very best for our lives both here and hereafter. We believe that he sent his Son Jesus to tell us how we can build a relationship with him which will change our lives.
Our church is a welcoming church and we encourage membership of house fellowship groups which meet regularly.
Alternatively you might like to find out what Christians believe by searching the Christians UK website which is supported by the Methodist Church and other denominations in England. The site is operated by an independent charity sponsored by Churches together in England.
You can also join in Chelmsford Methodist on Sunday Mornings 10am at 'Chelmsford Methodists':