Broomfield Methodist Church, Chelmsford

Seeking to love and serve God in the community and in the world

Harvest Arts & Crafts Festival

Houlton Community Market - This Saturday we are holding our market 's  harvest festival and will have activities for kids like pumpkin painting  and hand painting with Cassie. Jane and Lori will

Chelmsford Methodist Churches invite you to sign up here for the Arts and Crafts Harvest celebration to be held on September 28th 2024 at Trinity Methodist Church, Raisford Road, CM1 2XB

You can sign up to take part in more than one activity providing the timings allow. Please type your name in the box by the activity which interests you and click 'submit' when you have chosen the activities you wish to take part in. Take care to ensure the timings do not overlap!

Please note the maximum number of participants for each activity is on a 'first' come basis. The number of places left will be updated 

 Your e-mail address*

* This is a required field so we can contact you if there are any problems

 Flower Arranging   10-12.30pm (8 spaces left!)

Homemade Sweets  1-4pm (10 spaces available)

Messy Church 10-12.30pm (16 spaces available for all ages)

Drama Workshop  10-12.30pm (9 spaces left)

Singing workshop10-12.30pm (9 spaces left spaces left!)

Knitting, Crocheting & sewing1-4pm (6 spaces left)

Card making10-12.30pm (10 spaces available)

Cake Decorating1-4pm (9 spaces left!)

Creative Prayer  2-4pm (9 spaces left)

Art work (Mural)  10am - 4pm (6 spaces available)

Music making 2-4pm (any number - bring your own instrument)

When you have made your choices and added your e-mail address click 'send form'